
Cornelia Liu Trimble, M.D.

  • Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics


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Although diabetic ketoacidosis is generally seen in type 1 patients and non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome is generally seen in type 2 patients medications 5 songs discount zerit 40 mg mastercard, exceptions occur treatment skin cancer buy generic zerit 40mg on line. In both conditions mortality increases with age and is usually due to an associated catastrophic illness. Thus treatment does not simply depend on insulin to reverse the metabolic abnormalities that dominate the picture; it also depends on detection and treatment of precipitating illnesses, as well as prompt attention to fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Diabetic ketoacidosis may herald the onset of type 1 diabetes, but it most often (>80%) occurs in established diabetic patients as a result of an intercurrent illness. Targets need to be adjusted for local laboratory differences in assay method and non-diabetic reference ranges. A common scenario is a patient who fails to increase insulin therapy and consume extra fluid during illness. Prevention requires education in "sick day" management and assessment of urine ketones whenever blood glucose monitoring shows severe hyperglycemia or physical illness is noted. The two cardinal biochemical features of diabetic ketoacidosis-hyperglycemia and hyperketonemia-are caused by the combined effects of severe insulin deficiency and excessive secretion of counterregulatory hormones that interact synergistically to magnify the effects of insulin lack. These changes mobilize the delivery of substrates from muscle (amino acids, lactate, pyruvate) and adipose tissue (free fatty acids, glycerol) to the liver, where they are actively converted to glucose (via gluconeogenesis) or ketone bodies (beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate) and ultimately released into the circulation at rates that greatly exceed the capacity of tissues to use them. Typically, the history indicates deterioration over days with symptoms of increasing hyperglycemia. The pain is normally periumbilical and constant and can mimic the pain associated with surgical emergencies. Reduced motility of the gastrointestinal tract or, in severe cases, paralytic ileus may further contribute to the diagnostic confusion. Vomiting is a threatening symptom because it precludes oral replacement of the excessive fluid loss caused by the osmotic diuresis; severe volume depletion follows quickly. Physical findings are mainly secondary to dehydration and acidosis and include dry skin and mucous membranes, reduced jugular venous pressure, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, depressed mental function, and deep and rapid (termed Kussmaul) respirations. The clinical picture and the presence of severe hyperglycemia should alert the clinician to test for serum ketones and, if possible, to measure arterial pH. The severity of hyperglycemia can vary from 250 to 300 to greater than 1000 mg/dL, serum bicarbonate is depressed, and there is an increase in the anion gap (the difference between the serum sodium and the sum of the chloride and bicarbonate concentrations) that is generally proportional to the decrease in serum bicarbonate. The depression in arterial pH depends on the degree of respiratory compensation; in mild cases pH ranges from 7. Usually the severity of the clinical signs and symptoms depends more on the magnitude of the acidosis than the magnitude of the hyperglycemia. An increase in the anion gap out of proportion to the level of bicarbonate should suggest this possibility. Because quantitative measurements of beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate are not readily available, rapid diagnosis requires qualitative assessment of serum ketones by using dilutions of serum and reagent strips (Ketostix) or tablets (Acetest). Acetone, however, reacts weakly with nitroprusside and beta-hydroxybutyrate reacts not at all, which makes the test sometimes misleadingly low. Because of the presence of intracellular acidosis, beta-hydroxybutyrate levels are often much higher than acetoacetate, and the frequent presence of concomitant lactic acidosis farther reduces acetoacetate. Conversely, once insulin therapy begins, the nitroprusside reaction often remains "positive" and gives the false impression of sustained ketosis for many hours or days because some beta-hydroxybutyrate is converted to acetoacetate and non-acidic acetone is cleared slowly from the body. Other laboratory abnormalities in diabetic ketoacidosis include reduced serum sodium (because of hyperosmolarity and shift of water from the extravascular to the intravascular space), prerenal azotemia, and hyperamylasemia, which is usually of non-pancreatic origin but can lead to the erroneous diagnosis of pancreatitis. Normal, elevated, or reduced concentrations of potassium, phosphate, and magnesium may exist when diabetic ketoacidosis is diagnosed. Nevertheless, large deficits of these electrolytes invariably accompany the osmotic diuresis and become apparent during the course of treatment. For the most part, death occurs in elderly patients (>65 years) in whom diabetic ketoacidosis is initiated or complicated by a serious underlying illness. Diabetic ketoacidosis also remains a major cause of death in young children with type 1 diabetes, especially if complicated by the development of cerebral edema. Non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome is characterized by severe hyperosmolarity (greater than 320 mOsm/L), hyperglycemia (>600 mg/dL), and dehydration. The major reason that such severe hyperglycemia occurs is that patients cannot drink enough fluid to keep pace with the osmotic diuresis caused by hyperglycemia. The resulting impairment in renal function reduces glucose loss via the kidney, thereby leading to remarkable elevations in blood glucose. They may be taking medications that contribute to the diuresis as well as the impairment in insulin secretion. However, some type 2 patients with depressed endogenous insulin secretion may be unable to suppress ketone production in the face of elevations in the counterregulatory hormones produced by physical illness. Because they have higher portal vein insulin concentrations than do type 1 diabetic patients, ketone production by the liver and in turn the severity of the acidosis are usually mild. The level of consciousness generally correlates with the severity and duration of hyperosmolarity. Only about 10% of patients are initially seen in coma, and an equal number show no signs of mental obtundation. A variety of often reversible neurologic abnormalities may exist, including grand mal or focal seizures (about 10% of cases), extensor plantar reflexes, aphasia, hemisensory or motor deficits, delirium, and exacerbation of a pre-existing organic mental syndrome. Clinical signs show profound dehydration; gastrointestinal symptoms are less frequent than in diabetic ketoacidosis. The laboratory picture is dominated by the effects of uncontrolled diabetes and dehydration; renal function is invariably impaired, hemoglobin is elevated, liver function tests may be abnormal because of fatty liver, and hypertriglyceridemia may lead to a falsely low serum sodium value ("pseudohyponatremia"). Although the severe hyperosmolarity would be expected to lower serum sodium as well, it is not uncommon to see "normal" or even elevated levels because of the severe dehydration. The severity of the hyperosmolar state can be measured directly or estimated according to a formula that excludes urea because it is freely diffusible throughout the body and therefore has little influence on the osmotic pressure gradient: A value greater than 320 mOsm/L reflects hyperosmolarity and greater than 350 mOsm/L indicates a severe hyperosmolar state. Poor outcome is related to age as well as elevated blood urea nitrogen and sodium concentrations. The syndrome may be complicated by thromboembolic events, aspiration, and rhabdomyolysis. The goals of therapy for both diabetic ketoacidosis and non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome are to reverse the metabolic disturbance and replace fluid and electrolyte deficits (Table 242-8). This task requires the prompt delivery of water, electrolytes, and insulin, as well as attention to potential complications that might arise during therapy and treatment of underlying precipitating events. In the initial stages of therapy, the primary consideration is to restore vascular volume and correct hypoperfusion. At this time a massive total-body deficit of water (5 to 12 L) and sodium (about 5 to 10 mEq/kg) requires prompt attention (deficits are usually more profound in non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome). Although water loss is greater than sodium loss, it is usually preferable to initially replace fluid deficits with isotonic normal saline (0. Fluid replacement regimens vary, but it is common to administer 1 L of normal saline within the 1st hour, followed by 1 L/hour over the next few hours to restore intravascular volume. Therefore, the regimen (normal or half-normal saline) and the rate of infusion (commonly 0. In general, normal saline and hypotonic solutions are alternated for diabetic ketoacidosis. For non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome or older patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, hypotonic solutions are more commonly used. In the latter circumstance, normal saline generally provides more sodium and chloride than the patient needs and may result in hypernatremia; in diabetic ketoacidosis, hypotonic solutions may accelerate the shift of water into the intracellular space and in turn contribute to the development of cerebral edema that may be seen in young patients. During the course of treatment, once blood glucose falls to 250 to 300 mg/dL, glucose should be added to the solution to avoid eventual hypoglycemia and to minimize the risk of cerebral edema. Although insulin resistance is present in both diabetic ketoacidosis and non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome, large supraphysiologic doses of insulin are not necessary and are more likely to provoke hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and delayed hypoglycemia. Intravenous administration is the most predictable way of delivering insulin to target tissues, particularly in severely hypovolemic patients with reduced peripheral blood flow. If intravenous administration is not possible, the intramuscular site is preferred to the subcutaneous site because the latter predisposes to unpredictable absorption. It is ideal if blood glucose falls at a steady and predictable rate (about 100 mg/dL/hour), so it is important to monitor blood glucose closely after starting insulin to check that the rate of fall is appropriate. Blood glucose should not fall too rapidly, especially in young children, because a rapid fall may be associated with cerebral edema. A steady fall in blood glucose also means that the time at which glucose is added to the regimen may be predicted in advance. When reviewing the progress of treatment, it is important to consider a failure in insulin delivery if blood glucose fails to drop. In some, such failure is due to severe insulin resistance and necessitates an increase in the insulin dose. After achieving a relatively stable blood glucose level at or below 250 mg/dL, subcutaneous administration of insulin can be started, and about 2 hours later the intravenous insulin infusion may be discontinued. Adjustment of the intravenous glucose infusion should be based on frequent blood glucose monitoring to prevent the development of hypoglycemia. Potassium replacement needs close attention because both hyperkalemia and hypokalemia are associated with cardiac arrhythmia. At the initial evaluation, patients have a severe total-body deficit of potassium (about 5 mEq/kg), yet serum potassium levels may be low, normal, or high (especially if acidosis or renal failure is present). Once intravenous fluid and insulin administration is started, serum potassium levels fall quickly because of an insulin-mediated shift of potassium into the intracellular space. In addition, fluid replacement causes extracellular dilution of potassium and increases potassium removal because of improved renal perfusion. A low potassium level requires prompt treatment with 30 to 40 mEq/hour, whereas normal serum potassium signals the need to ensure adequate urine output before starting therapy at approximately 20 mEq/hour. In patients who may have lost potassium for other reasons such as diuretic use or gastrointestinal loss, one should anticipate the need for greater potassium supplementation. Patients with circulatory collapse or compromised renal function may not be able to tolerate a potassium load. Electrocardiograms may provide a more direct assessment of intracellular potassium and are recommended. Flat or inverted T waves suggest a low potassium level, and peaked T waves suggest high intracellular potassium. The intracellular potassium deficit in renal tubular cells further promotes potassium loss by the kidneys, and this abnormality does not correct immediately. In most patients with diabetic ketoacidosis, the acidosis disappears with standard therapeutic measures. Suppression of lipolysis by insulin reduces free fatty acid flux to the liver and ketogenesis. The remaining keto acids are oxidized, with subsequent regeneration of bicarbonate. The hyperventilatory drive of severe acidosis is uncomfortable, and severe acidosis has a negative inotropic effect and causes vasodilation. However, bicarbonate must be used with caution because it may provoke hypokalemia, which in the context of a falling serum potassium concentration may precipitate a cardiac arrhythmia. In addition, by causing a sudden left shift of the dissociation curve for oxyhemoglobin, bicarbonate may impair oxygen delivery to tissues. When the patient is first seen, the dissociation curve for oxyhemoglobin is approximately in the normal position because the expected right shift caused by acidosis is offset by a left shift as a result of reduced red cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate. Sudden correction of acidosis moves the curve to the left because red cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels recover only slowly during the course of therapy. If alkali is given, small amounts should be slowly administered (44 mEq every 1 to 2 hours) when there is evidence of severe acidosis (pH < 7. Although substantial phosphate depletion occurs with both diabetic ketoacidosis and 1279 non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome, the prophylactic use of phosphate in diabetic ketoacidosis has failed to show any significant benefit. Hypocalcemic tetany may complicate phosphate therapy unless magnesium supplements are provided. Because the longer prodromal period associated with non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome may lead to more severe phosphate losses, they may need to be replaced as potassium phosphate together with magnesium. When severe hypovolemia or renal dysfunction is present, central venous pressure monitoring is indicated. The presence of cardiac dysfunction or adult respiratory distress syndrome, both recognized complications in severe cases, calls for measuring pulmonary wedge pressure. Urinary catheterization is essential in unconscious or oliguric patients, and gastric decompression may be required to minimize the risk of aspiration. As in any intensive care situation, an accurate record of fluid input and output and key laboratory measurements (every 1 to 2 hours), such as plasma glucose, arterial pH, and electrolytes, allow an ongoing review of progress. Even more important is the need to search for a possible coexisting illness; serious medical illness may easily be overlooked for several hours during the early phases of therapy. In children, monitoring of mental status is crucial because of their risk of cerebral edema. Leukocytosis often accompanies diabetic ketoacidosis or non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome and should not be taken as a rationale for antibiotic prophylaxis. Table 242-8 outlines the principles of management of diabetic ketoacidosis and non-ketotic hyperosmolar syndrome. Alcoholic ketoacidosis may be confused with diabetic ketoacidosis, particularly when hyperglycemia is present. It is typically seen in people who have consumed large amounts of alcohol and then abstain from food or drink for an extended period. Commonly, the patient is anorectic and has nausea and vomiting, thus prolonging the period of starvation. Hyperglycemia is inconsistent; it may exist in association with underlying diabetes (or pancreatitis) or be mild in non-diabetic subjects. The stress of the illness, volume depletion, activation of the sympathetic nervous system following alcohol withdrawal, prolonged starvation, or probably a combination of these factors results in a fall in insulin and a rise in glucagon levels. Hyperglycemia is probably limited because hepatic metabolism of alcohol leads to an increase in the ratio of reduced to non-reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which inhibits gluconeogenesis despite insulin deficiency. Alcoholic ketoacidosis is rapidly reversed by the intravenous administration of fluids and glucose; insulin is rarely needed, except in diabetic persons. The condition can vary widely, from requiring just the help of another person to being severe enough to require emergency medical assistance. From a practical standpoint, data showing that near normoglycemia prevents the long-term vascular complications of diabetes have resulted in a much greater frequency of severe hypoglycemia in insulin-treated patients and have stimulated interest in its physiology and prevention. The less common event of hypoglycemia induced by oral glucose-lowering agents should not be overlooked. This problem tends to occur in elderly diabetics with impaired renal function and is more common with the longer-acting sulfonylureas. Its management is no different from the treatment of insulin-induced hypoglycemia, but because of the long-acting nature of oral agents, hypoglycemia may recur for 24 to 48 hours after drug withdrawal. Prolonged and very severe hypoglycemia can cause irreversible brain damage; it has been less clear, however, whether any neurologic damage is caused by milder episodes of hypoglycemia. Some studies have shown that electroencephalographic abnormalities are more prevalent in young children who have a history of recurrent hypoglycemia. Nevertheless, hypoglycemia may provoke seizures, accidental injury, and a catecholamine response that can induce arrhythmias or cardiac ischemia in patients with underlying cardiac disease. Hypoglycemia is thought to account for 3 to 4% of deaths in insulin-treated diabetic patients. In normal persons, hypoglycemia provokes a response that returns blood glucose to normal. This process involves three defense mechanisms: (1) insulin dissipation, (2) counterregulatory hormone secretion and action, and (3) a subjective awareness of hypoglycemia resulting in carbohydrate ingestion. If glucose efflux from the circulation exceeds exogenous and endogenous influx, hypoglycemia results. Spontaneous recovery of blood glucose involves a complex response that includes activation of endogenous glucose production and diminution of peripheral glucose uptake. These changes are triggered when plasma glucose begins to approach the hypoglycemic range (65 to 70 mg/dL). The rise in glucose production is initiated by the release of glucagon, as well as epinephrine, in conjunction with a fall in endogenous insulin release and, at the outset, probably reflects mainly the stimulation of hepatic glycogenolysis. When hypoglycemia is sustained, other hormones such as growth hormone and cortisol help ensure continued glucose production via gluconeogenesis. In addition, these patients for unclear reasons have attenuated or absent glucagon secretion during hypoglycemia, although glucagon responses to other stimuli persist. Defective glucagon responses develop in most patients after 2 to 5 years, about the time that they become totally insulin dependent. Unfortunately, nearly half of type 1 patients with disease for over 10 years also undergo a stimulus-specific diminution in their epinephrine response to hypoglycemia that increases its risk. The ability of type 1 patients to recognize hypoglycemia and take corrective action may be impaired as well, further adding to the risk. Autonomic symptoms, including sweating, tremor, and palpitations, are often the earliest subjective warning of hypoglycemia. Symptoms and signs of glucose deficiency in the central nervous system, termed neuroglycopenia, may be non-specific. Some diabetic patients lose their normal autonomic warning symptoms of hypoglycemia and may recognize the condition only when somatic neurologic function becomes impaired.

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Patients frequently have cardiomyopathy and skeletal abnormalities, such as kyphosis and scoliosis; and diabetes mellitus develops in a small percentage. Other diagnostic entities that can give a similar clinical picture include vitamin B12 deficiency, abetalipoproteinemia, and a selective defect in vitamin E absorption. The disorder is progressive, and patients are usually nonambulatory by their mid-20s. Patients occasionally have a much more benign course and atypical clinical features. The major cause of death is heart failure as a result of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Before the advent of molecular genetics, classification of the autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias was difficult, and it was a source of controversy. Degeneration of spinocerebellar tracts, pyramidal tracts, and posterior column tracts occurs. The predominant clinical feature of these disorders is ataxia, followed by dysarthria and ophthalmoplegia. Additional clinical signs include dementia, optic atrophy, retinal pigmentary degeneration, deafness, dysphagia, extrapyramidal and pyramidal findings, and peripheral neuropathy. The extrapyramidal features include masked facies, cogwheel rigidity, dystonia, athetosis, and chorea. Pyramidal dysfunction includes limb spasticity (especially in the legs), hyperreflexia, and a Babinski response. Type I: Early onset (mean age, 24 years) with marked pyramidal and extrapyramidal dysfunction 2. Other diagnostic entities that can give a similar clinical profile include alcoholism (see Chapter 489) and paraneoplastic cerebellar syndromes. As with all neurodegenerative disorders, treatment is supportive and is aimed at maximizing and retaining function. An excellent description of the clinical manifestations of the spinocerebellar ataxias. A reader-friendly review that incorporates succinct clinical descriptions with the known molecular genetics of the ataxias. Other clinical features include pes cavus (30 to 50%); decreased vibratory sensation; and urinary frequency, urgency, and hesitancy. Magnetic resonance imaging may show spinal cord atrophy; cerebrospinal fluid analysis and nerve conduction studies are normal. The differential diagnosis includes other genetic conditions, spinal cord disease from structural lesions, multiple sclerosis, and vitamin deficiencies or retroviral infections (Table 467-1). Symptomatic therapy is aimed at decreasing disability and preventing complications, such as contractures. Preliminary reports have suggested improved therapeutic response with intrathecal baclofen. Feldman Motor neuron diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders that selectively affect upper or lower motor neurons or both (Table 468-1). Upper motor neurons are large cerebral and bulbar motor neurons whose dysfunction leads to decreased strength, spasticity, and hyperreflexia. Pure upper motor neuron disorders are most commonly acquired, whereas pure lower motor neuron disorders are frequently inherited. The most common acquired motor neuron disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, usually includes dysfunction of both upper and lower motor neurons. Recent advances in the molecular genetics of hereditary motor neuron diseases has improved their classification and led to advances in defining potential etiologies underlying acquired motor neuron disorders. Ventral roots are atrophic, and muscle groups supplied by these motor neurons and roots are atrophied and show microscopic evidence of denervation and reinnervation. Infants present with severe diffuse weakness, hypotonia, reduced or absent reflexes, and tongue fasciculations. The usual cause of death is respiratory failure; 50% of infants die by age 7 months and 95% by 17 months. These children may never stand or walk, develop early scoliosis and respiratory insufficiency, and have a shortened lifespan. These individuals have proximal, symmetrical weakness but stand and walk independently. Electromyography and muscle biopsy reveal evidence of denervation but are unnecessary if a molecular diagnosis is established. Examination of the stool for botulinum can confirm the diagnosis of infantile botulism. It is not known why disruption of the androgen receptor gene alters the function of bulbar and spinal motor neurons. It is of interest that other disorders of androgen receptors result in testicular feminization but spare motor neurons. Mild brain stem and cord atrophy with loss of alpha-motor neurons is seen, as is evidence of motor neuron degeneration and gliosis. Weakness is symmetrical and slowly progressive over decades; patients only become dependent on canes or walkers in the fifth or sixth decade of life. Fasciculations are present largely in the face, and tendon reflexes are reduced or absent. Individuals frequently experience a mild postural tremor and a mild loss of vibratory sensation. Electromyography and a muscle biopsy are often performed, because creatine kinase levels are frequently elevated (up to 10-fold), and they reveal evidence of chronic denervation. Nitric oxide may also combine with superoxide to form peroxynitrite, which is non-enzymatically converted to hydroxyl radicals. These reactive oxygen species can cause oxidative degradation of proteins and lipids and lead to cell death. In the cortex, large pyramidal cell loss leads to degeneration of the corticospinal tracts and gliosis of the lateral spinal cord columns. As with other denervating disorders, loss of ventral nerve roots, with microscopic evidence of denervation and reinnervation in affected muscle groups, is seen. With more long-standing disease, foot and hand deformities are seen due to tendon imbalance and secondary joint contractures. Individuals experience dysarthria, or impaired speech, which may be flaccid or spastic or of a mixed flaccid-spastic quality. Dysphagia with choking is common and places patients at a high risk of aspiration. With disease progression, dyspnea at rest, inability to sleep in a supine position (orthopnea), sleep apnea, and morning headaches are present. Constitutional symptoms reflect loss of muscle mass and difficulties with swallowing and breathing. These include mentation, extraocular movements, bowel and bladder function, and sensation. In this rare condition, individuals present with a slowly progressive spastic paraparesis or quadriparesis, with no evidence of lower motor neuron involvement, either by clinical examination or diagnostic testing. In these criteria, the body is divided into four regions: (1) bulbar (jaw, face, palate, larynx, and tongue), (2) cervical (neck, arm, hand, and diaphragm), (3) thoracic (back and abdomen), and (4) lumbosacral (back, abdomen, leg, and foot). For direct disease treatment, the only drug currently available is riluzole (2-amino-6-[trifluoromethoxy]benzothiazole). Riluzole blocks glutamic acid release and may slow disease progression by disrupting glutamate-mediated neurotoxicity. Administered at 50 mg twice a day, riluzole is generally well-tolerated, although some patients experience nausea and general asthenia. The mean disease duration of primary lateral sclerosis is much longer, with an average of 224 months between symptoms and death. Symptomatic treatment of patients is frequently required for sialorrhea, pseudobulbar symptoms, cramps, and spasticity. A physical therapist should provide the patient with exercises for stretching and flexibility and recommend needed bracing and adaptive walking devices. An occupational therapist should arrange adaptive devices to improve functional independence. As swallowing function decreases and speech becomes more difficult, a speech pathologist is helpful to oversee barium-swallow tests and obtain augmentative communication devices. Excellent clinical description that includes instructive pictures of affected individuals. St Louis, Washington University School of Medicine, Neuromuscular Disease Center, 1998. This Website is user friendly, is updated continuously, and is invaluable for the clinician. A concise, lucid guide to understanding the genetics of the spinal muscular atrophies. The generic term stroke signifies the abrupt impairment of brain function caused by a variety of pathologic changes involving one (focal) or several (multifocal) intracranial or extracranial blood vessels. Approximately 80% of strokes are caused by too little blood flow (ischemic stroke), and the remaining 20% are nearly equally divided between hemorrhage into brain tissue (parenchymatous hemorrhage) and hemorrhage into the surrounding subarachnoid space (subarachnoid hemorrhage). In contrast, diseases that affect the heart or the systemic circulation cause generalized hypoperfusion and diffuse brain dysfunction or injury. Ischemic stroke and the hypoperfusion syndromes affecting the brain share much pathophysiology, and both processes are considered together in Chapter 470; hemorrhagic stroke is addressed in Chapter 471. In the United States, the 1% decrease in the annual mortality rate from stroke recorded since 1915 accelerated in the early 1970s to approximately 5% per year. A recent analysis indicates that the stroke incidence has stabilized at approximately 0. At these current rates, stroke remains the third leading cause of medically related deaths and the second most frequent cause of neurologic morbidity in developed countries. Several other important facts about stroke incidence have emerged: incidence and death rate for stroke are higher among blacks than whites in the United States; approximately similar rates affect men and women, in contrast to the male predominance for myocardial infarction; and there is a strikingly higher incidence (20 to 30 per 1000) for those over age 75 years. The brain is supplied by four major arteries: the left and right internal carotid and vertebral arteries (Fig. The left common carotid artery arises from the aortic arch, but the other vessels originate from branches of the aorta. The right common carotid artery stems from the innominate artery, and the left and right vertebral arteries take off from their respective subclavian arteries. Each common carotid artery bifurcates into an internal and external carotid artery in most individuals just below the angle of the jaw and approximately at the level of the thyroid cartilage (Fig. It then enters the cavernous sinus before penetrating the dura and ascends above the clinoid processes to divide into the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. The portion of the internal carotid artery that lies between the cavernous sinus and the supraclinoid process forms an S shape and is sometimes referred to as the carotid siphon. The internal carotid artery gives off its first important branches at the supraclinoid level, the ophthalmic, posterior communicating, and anterior choroidal arteries, usually arising in Figure 469-2 Extracranial and intracranial arterial supply to the brain. In approximately 10% of cases, the ophthalmic artery arises from the internal carotid artery within the cavernous sinus. Branches of the external carotid artery, important because they anastomose and provide collateral circulation to the internal carotid artery, include the facial artery and the superficial temporal artery. Both vessels anastomose with the supratrochlear branches of the ophthalmic artery. In instances of internal carotid artery occlusion below the level of the ophthalmic branch, the facial and superficial temporal arteries can supply blood through the ophthalmic branch to the distal internal carotid artery. They enter the foramen of the sixth cervical vertebra or, much less commonly, the fourth, fifth, or seventh vertebral level. The vertebral arteries ascend through the transverse foramina and exit at C1, where they turn 90 degrees posteriorly to pass behind the atlantoaxial joint before penetrating the dura and entering the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum. The portion of the vertebral artery that loops behind the atlantoaxial joint is prone to mechanical trauma, and rotation of the head to approximately 60 degrees may cause arterial narrowing and reduce blood flow to the ipsilateral vertebral artery. Intracranially, the vertebral arteries lie lateral to the medulla oblongata and then course ventrally and medially, where they unite at the medullopontine junction to form the basilar artery. In up to 20% of individuals, the right or left vertebral arteries terminate before reaching the basilar artery, leaving the latter to be supplied inferiorly by a single vessel. Intracranial branches of the vertebral arteries include medial branches, which unite to form the anterior spinal artery, and lateral branches to the dorsolateral medulla and posterior cerebellum, called the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries. Anomalies of the circle of Willis occur frequently; in large autopsy series of normal individuals, more than half showed an incomplete circle of Willis. The most common sites for such abnormalities, which usually present as hypoplasia or atresia, are the posterior communicating arteries (22%) and the anterior cerebral arteries (10%). The A1 and A2 segments (the portion between the anterior communicating artery and the genu of the corpus callosum) give off many small branches that penetrate the anterior perforated substance of the brain. These small penetrating branches include all of the anterior and some of the medial lenticulostriate arteries. This artery penetrates the perforated substance of the brain and, along with the other small perforators, supplies (see Fig. The anterior choroidal artery arises from the supraclinoid portion of the internal carotid artery in most persons. It travels caudally and medially over the optic tract, to which it provides a few small branches, and enters the brain via the choroidal fissure. Many important brain structures receive blood flow from the anterior choroidal artery; these include portions of the anterior hippocampus, uncus, amygdala, globus pallidus, tail of the caudate nucleus, lateral thalamus, geniculate body, and a large portion of the most inferior, posterior limb of the internal capsule (see Fig. The red nucleus, the substantia nigra, medial parts of the cerebral peduncles, the nuclei of the thalamus, the hippocampus, and the posterior hypothalamus receive blood from these penetrating branches (see Fig. At all rostrocaudal levels of the brain stem, the ventral medial portion is supplied by short paramedian vessels; the ventrolateral portion by short circumferential branches from the vertebral or basilar arteries; and the dorsolateral portion and cerebellum by long circumferential branches, which include the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries, which arise from the vertebral arteries, and the anterior inferior and superior cerebellar arteries, which arise from the basilar artery (Fig. The pyramids, the inferior olives and medial lemnisci, the medial longitudinal fasciculi, and the emerging fibers of the hypoglossal nerve (see Fig. The most cephalad and dorsal segment of the medulla includes the vestibular and cochlear nuclei, which, along with the posterior portion of the cerebellum, receive flow from the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. The basilar artery gives rise to perforating branches as it spans the ventral midline pons and midbrain (see Fig. These short perpendicular branches distribute blood to the paramedian structures, including the corticospinal tracts, the pontine reticular nuclei, the medial lemnisci, the medial longitudinal fasciculi, and the pontine reticular nuclei. It also branches to the most dorsal and lateral of these structures on its dorsal course toward the cerebellum. At the midbrain level, the basilar artery lies in the midline in the peduncular fossa. Short branches of the vertebral and anterior spinal arteries supply the medial medulla. Longer circumferential branches, including the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, supply the lateral portions of the medulla. The medial portion receives the blood supply from short, perforating basilar artery branches. The superior cerebellar arteries contribute to the dorsal midbrain supply, including that of the colliculi and the superior portion of the cerebellum on each side. The veins in the brain, unlike those in many other parts of the body, do not accompany the arteries (Fig. Cortical veins drain into the superior sagittal sinus, which runs posteriorly between the cerebral hemispheres. Deeper structures drain into the inferior sagittal sinus and great cerebral vein (of Galen), which join at the straight sinus. The straight sinus runs posteriorly along the attachment of the falx cerebri and tentorium and joins the superior sagittal sinus at the torcular Herophili, from which the two transverse sinuses arise. Each transverse sinus passes laterally toward the petrosal bone to become the sigmoid sinus, which exits the skull into the internal jugular vein. Each cavernous sinus communicates with its contralateral twin and surrounds the ipsilateral carotid artery; both drain posteriorly into the petrosal sinuses, which in turn drain into the sigmoid sinus. The brain performs no mechanical work; nevertheless, the energy demands to support normal electrophysiologic brain activity in conscious humans equal, on a per weight basis, those of metabolically active tissues like the heart and kidney. Aerobic glucose metabolism provides the energy necessary to drive membrane ion pumps, synthesize, store, and release neurotransmitters, and maintain tissue structure. The normal, conscious human consumes approximately 160 mumol O2 and 30 mumol glucose per 100 g of brain each minute (Table 469-1). Approximately 10% of available blood glucose is extracted and phosphorylated by the brain in a single pass, yet only 80% of this glucose is used to generate energy. The 5:1 ratio of O2 versus glucose consumption (see Table 469-1) indicates that approximately 20% of glucose carbons are not oxidized. Although seemingly small, this 15-mL reduction often suffices to retard the progression of cerebral herniation. Note the shift of the curve toward higher mean pressures with chronic hypertension. Because cerebral venous pressures closely approximate the intracranial pressure, autoregulation values usually are expressed in terms of mean arterial pressure. Increased capillary pressure in hypertensive patients may be a factor in intracerebral hemorrhage and hypertensive encephalopathy. In patients with chronic hypertension, the upper and lower autoregulatory limits are shifted toward higher systemic pressures (Fig. Consequently, too rapid therapeutic reduction of blood pressure to apparently normal levels carries the risk of further lowering cerebral blood flow in hypertensive patients with ongoing cerebral ischemia. Chronic treatment with antihypertensive agents readjusts the autoregulatory curve toward more normal values.

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These molecules and cells participate in specific interactions with immunogenic epitopes present on foreign materials. Recognition events are the beginning of the physiologic steps that make up the immune response; they initiate a series of processes causing a wide range of effects within the host. These include the pathways through which inflammation takes place, the killing of invading microbial agents, and the disposal of foreign toxic compounds. Events leading to specific molecular interactions depend on the differentiation and expansion of the cell clones that are involved. Abnormal regulation of the immune system may prevent the host from handling antigenic stimuli, resulting in a state of immune deficiency (see Chapter 272). At the other extreme it may allow the host to react to its own tissues, resulting in an autoimmune process (see Chapter 289). In an immunocompetent individual, the immune response is initiated when introduced to an external agent that possesses an immunogenic structural epitope. The appropriate response depends on the recognition by surface receptors of B and T lymphocytes of the foreignness of the introduced agent. These interactions lead to events that allow proliferation and differentiation of the antigen-stimulated cells. To appreciate the exquisite degree of specificity expressed by this remarkable system, one must understand the molecular interactions that result in antigen processing, presentation, and cellular proliferation, B lymphocytes differentiate to produce specifically directed immunoglobulins (antibodies). All such immunoglobulins share an overall structure, but each contains its own antigen-binding area (Fab region) and within any class. Therefore, the product of any given clone of B cells has a unique specificity distinct from that of all other clonal lines of B cells. This provides the enormous diversity in the recognition properties of the immune system. Furthermore, each of the classes of immunoglobulins is imbued with structural elements that set it apart and define its distinct function in biologic effector mechanisms (Table 270-1). T cells then differentiate as they express various functions, such as cytotoxic potential, enhanced expression of immunity (helper T cells), or down-modulation of the immune response. Therefore, the T lymphocyte becomes pivotal in the development of both humoral immunity by way of its stimulation of B lymphocytes and the development of cellular immunity and regulation by virtue of its own intrinsic properties and its role in elaborating cytokines for cellular communication processes. Reactions of the immune system may activate the complement cascade (see Chapter 271) and the production of arachidonic acid derivatives such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes (see Chapter 29), which play key roles in expressing inflammation. Both lymphocytes and macrophages secrete a variety of cytokines, which modulate the immune response and the induction of inflammation (Table 270-2). Immunologic events can be regulated through networks of antibody-forming cells, helper/suppressor mechanisms, and cytokine mediation, or through specific mechanisms of immunologic tolerance. Immunodeficiency states and autoimmune diseases represent the end points of either a genetically incompetent or a poorly regulated immune system. The latter are found in all peripheral lymphoid tissues and also in the circulating pool of lymphocytes. Within their surface membranes, B cells have receptors that allow them to recognize foreign antigenic determinants. These receptors are immunoglobulin molecules, and in the initial stages of differentiation are generally of the IgM and IgD classes. When stimulated by a specific antigen, in conjunction with appropriate cytokines, these B cells proliferate and secrete antibody (see Fig. However, these cells begin to express in their cytoplasm the mu chain, which is the heavy (H) chain of IgM. Later they produce the light (L) chain (either kappa [kappa] or lambda [lambda]) which allows IgM molecules to be expressed on the surface. The binding region on the mIg of each cell line is unique in its specificity and is identical to that of the antibody molecule that is to be secreted. This means that at a very early developmental stage, a given cell is locked into its own specificity. B-cell activation, proliferation, and differentiation require a variety of cytokines. Essentially they consist of two types of polypeptide chains-the larger, called the heavy (H) chain, and the smaller, known as the light (L) chain. Each immunoglobulin subunit consists of two identical H and two identical L chains and would therefore have the molecular formula H2 L2. The H and L chains are connected to each other by disulfide bonds, and similarly there are disulfide bridges between the two H chains (which vary in number for the different classes and subclasses). They are generally located in the center of the H chain 1424 Figure 270-1 the molecular events involved in antigen presentation to the T cell. The L chain has a molecular weight of about 25,000 daltons; the H chain varies between 50,000 and 65,000 daltons. H chain size is related to differences in the structure of the hinge region or to the presence of an extra globular domain, as in the case of the mu and epsilon H chains (in IgM and IgE, respectively). Globular domains, formed by intrachain disulfide bonds, each consist of about 110 amino acid residues; and there are four or five such domains in each H chain and two in each L chain. These domain structures may have evolved to execute specialized biologic functions. The amino-terminal 110 to 120 residues of each immunoglobulin chain are known as the variable (V) region because the amino acid sequences of those molecules produced from a single clonal line differ from those of other lines. The remaining part of the immunoglobulin chain is identical for any given class and is referred to as the constant (C) region. Many direct lines of evidence indicate that the variable region contains the antibody-binding site into which antigen fits and that "hypervariable regions" are in the most intimate contact with the structural elements of the antigen. The hypervariable regions are also largely responsible for the idiotypic determinants on an antibody molecule and tend to be similar on all antibodies that share specificities. The structures throughout the remainder of the V segments, which show less sequence variability, are referred to as the "framework" areas. Although the amino acid sequences of the constant regions of the H chains show homologies among the Ig classes and subclasses, there are also very significant differences. The structural features appear to be important in giving the molecule its particular biologic function that distinguishes one class from another. More than one domain in the Fc region of the IgG H chain is required to react with the binding sites on rheumatoid factors (see Chapter 286). For example, papain cleaves IgG into an Fc fragment and two Fab fragments, whereas pepsin degrades the Fc fragment and yields the two Fab fragments still joined by a disulfide bridge (Fab)2 (see Fig. Different enzymes cleave the various classes in different ways, and this approach has been important in defining structural corollaries to biologic properties. It has 10 H and 10 L chains and, therefore, 10 antibody-binding sites per molecule. However, because of steric factors, when IgM reacts with large protein antigens, it tends to bind with a valence of five. This can best be seen in the case of IgM rheumatoid factor binding to IgG, which yields a 22 s complex with a formula (mu2 L2)5-(IgG)5. Several sequences of events must take place for immunoglobulin genes to be expressed. As shown in Figure 270-5, each C region is coded by a single gene, but many gene segments Figure 270-3 the molecular events involved in antigen presentation to the T cell. For any given H-chain gene, the total V region is formed from a single V region, a single D, and a single J (Fig. The C region genes are located in tandem, so a switching process must occur in order to allow a given assembled V-D-J region to attach to any constant region. The gene rearrangements that take place at various stages of the differentiation pathway are indicated. Combinatorial diversity, which results from the combination of various gene segments as described above Junctional diversity, which results at the joining site because of some imprecision in codon formation Junctional insertion, by which diversity may arise because of insertion of extra nucleotides Somatic mutational events Exchange rearrangement of the H segments the combination of associated H and L chains this process allows an essentially random extrapolation of combinations into the millions of possibilities. Both of these chains contain amino-terminal variable regions and carboxy-terminal constant regions, just as occur in immunoglobulins. These chains contain carbohydrate and are bound within the surface of the T cell with membrane-spanning regions. A subset of T cells possesses similar receptors made up of gamma and delta chains that seem to be highly specialized and located in certain regions of the body, such as the gastrointestinal tract. It is of special note that variable regions of the T-cell receptor genes are assembled from V-D-J segment joining just as the immunoglobulin V region genes are assembled. Much less if any somatic hypermutation occurs in the T-cell receptor V region genes. Thus, rearrangement occurs during the process of differentiation, and once it has occurred it produces a stable clone with a fixed specificity. Note that intervening gene sequences at each step of joining are deleted, giving rise to the final finished product of an entire V region with the constant region at some distance. Figure 270-7 Diagrammatic representation of the idiotypic network showing the development of anti-idiotypes and anti-anti-idiotypes in sequential processes. This complementary fit mechanism provides the structural basis for the feedback network. Activating complement allows important events such as removing infectious agents and expressing the inflammatory response to take place. These involve active fragments of the pathway that enhance chemotaxis of macrophages, alter blood vessel permeability, change blood vessel diameters, cause lysis to cells, alter blood clotting, and cause numerous other subtle points of modification. Therefore, an idiotope of immunoglobulin is functionally equivalent to the clonotypic antigenic determinant of a clonal line of T cells. Conceptually, this interrelated system provides mechanisms for regulation based on recognition of receptors without need for exogenous antigen. This method of regulation may allow certain idiotopes to become dominantly expressed and may be operative with unique clonal markers, such as those that are observed due to clonal expansion in malignant lymphoid diseases. Cytokines can regulate levels of response or induce differentiation and proliferation of cells. Table 270-2 summarizes the properties of some of these molecules that may be encountered in immune regulation (see also Chapters 158 and 312). Therefore, any qualitative or quantitative change in this system can produce profound effects. This is evident in diseases of the immune system, such as those that occur as the result of altered immune regulation (see Chapters 286 and 289). Inflammation, often immunologically mediated and often resulting in tissue damage, is a key feature of diseases of virtually any organ system. Therefore, a knowledge of basic immunology is critical to a clear understanding of the nature of these abnormalities. A student of medicine must be prepared to apply immunology to every branch of internal medicine and to recognize its importance in understanding disease and, hence, the care of the patient. Volanakis Complement is a major effector system of host defense against invading pathogens. It comprises more than 30 proteins that on activation elaborate protein fragments and protein-protein complexes that interact with specific cellular receptors or directly with cell membranes to mediate acute inflammatory reactions, clearance of foreign cells and molecules, killing of pathogenic microorganisms, and regulation of immune responses. In their native state, complement proteins are either serum soluble or associated with cell membranes (Table 271-1). Complement proteins exhibit extensive structural homologies among themselves, remarkably conserving a small number of repeated structural motifs, indicating that multiple gene duplication events marked the evolution of the system. Functionally, complement proteins are categorized as those participating in the activation sequences, those regulating the activation and activities of the system, and those serving as receptors for biologically active fragments. Two proteins participating in the activation of the alternative pathway are termed factors and are designated by the capital letters B and D. An overbar indicates the enzymatically active form of a complement protein or protein complex, as in C1. Proteolytic cleavage fragments of complement proteins are symbolized by lower case letters, as in C2a and C2b, and inactive fragments by the letter i, as in C2ai. The remaining receptors are denoted by the symbol of the protein or protein fragment they bind followed by the letter R, as in C5aR. The most important host defense activities are derived from two proteins, C3 and C5, which are structurally similar and probably represent gene duplication products. Expression of activity requires that C3 and C5 be cleaved by highly specific proteases termed convertases (Fig. They are assembled during activation of the three pathways of complement, which are termed classic, lectin, and alternative. In addition, the assembly of the convertases is initiated by different activators in the three pathways. However, the resulting enzymes have identical substrate and peptide bond specificity, giving rise to identical biologically active fragments. Characteristic of the simplicity and economy of design of complement activation is the fact that C5 convertases are derivatives of C3 convertases (see Fig. Each of these four fragments, as well as further cleavage fragments of C3b, expresses at least one activity important to host defense. In the classic pathway, assembly of the convertases is usually initiated by antibodies of the IgG or IgM class complexed with antigen. Several other substances, including C-reactive protein complexes, certain viruses, and gram-negative bacteria, can also activate this pathway. Binding to an activator induces a change in the conformation of C1q that causes the autoactivation of C1r, which in turn activates proenzyme C1s to enzymatically active C1s (Fig. In the next step, C1s cleaves C4, resulting in the covalent attachment of its major fragment, C4b, to the surface of the activator. C4b is attached through a transacylation reaction similar to that leading to covalent binding of C3b to activating surfaces (see later). C2 binds to C4b and is also cleaved by C1 into two fragments, the larger of which, C2a, remains bound to C4b, completing the assembly of the C4b2a complex, which is the C3 convertase of the classic pathway. Cleavage of C3 by the C3 convertase results in the covalent binding of many C3b fragments to the surface of the activator and the eventual binding of one C3b to the C4b subunit of the C3 convertase. This leads to the formation of the C3b4b2a complex, which is the C5 convertase of the classic pathway. This is a newly described antibody- and C1-independent pathway of complement activation that like the classic pathway leads to the formation of the C4b2a, C3 convertase. Alternative pathway activation is initiated by a variety of cellular surfaces, including those of certain bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi. Assembly of the convertases depends on certain structural features of the multifunctional protein C3. C3 is the most abundant complement protein in blood and is characterized by the presence on its alpha-chain of an unusual, for blood proteins, thioester bond. Under physiologic conditions, this bond is relatively stable, being hydrolyzed at very slow rates to give rise to C3H2O, which can initiate the formation of the short-lived initiation C3 convertase. This is accomplished by the formation of a complex between C3H2O and factor B and the subsequent cleavage of B by factor D to generate the C3H2O Bb complex, the initiation C3 convertase (Fig. This series of reactions, starting with the hydrolysis of the thioester bond in native C3 and concluding with the cleavage of C3 into C3a and C3b by the initiation C3 convertase, is considered to occur in the blood continuously at slow rates. Thus, a constant supply of small amounts of freshly generated C3b is available at all times. The initiation C3 convertase is quickly inactivated by the control proteins H and I. Cleavage of C3 by a C3 convertase induces a change in the conformation of C3b associated with an extremely labile (mestastable) thioester bond that reacts either with water or with hydroxyl or amino groups on the surface of cells or proteins. Thus, C3b can become covalently attached by means of an ester or amide bond to surfaces in the immediate vicinity of its generation. The fate of surface-bound C3b depends entirely on the chemical nature of the surface. This enzyme is labile, but it is stabilized by the binding of P and is termed the amplification C3 convertase because it generates many C3b fragments and thus additional molecules of C3 convertase. Binding of a single C3b molecule to the C3 convertase gives rise to the (C3b)2 Bb complex, Figure 271-2 Formation of complement convertases in the classic pathway of activation. The complement anaphylatoxins, C3a and C5a, react with specific receptors to stimulate the release of histamine from mast cells and basophils mediating smooth muscle contraction and increased vascular permeability. In the presence of interleukin-3 or interleukin-5, C5a also causes release of leukotrienes from basophils. In addition, C5a evokes neutrophil and monocyte responses, including up-regulation of cellular Figure 271-4 Formation of complement convertases in the alternative pathway of activation. When an activator is present, metastable C3b (C3b*) binds covalently to the activating surface and, because it is protected from the action of the regulatory proteins, initiates the assembly of the stable, amplification C3 convertase, which forms additional C3 convertase complexes and also the C5 convertase. The complex formed from the binding to C5b of one molecule of C6, C7, and C8 and of 1 to 12 molecules of C9 is termed membrane attack complex. It forms transmembrane pores by interacting directly with the lipid bilayer of biologic membranes. Collectively, the anaphylatoxins allow for the recruitment of host defense molecules and cells to tissue sites invaded by pathogens. C3b and its further cleavage fragments, C3bi and C3dg, react with multiple receptors distributed in a variety of cells (Table 271-2).

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However symptoms indigestion buy discount zerit 40mg line, this difference is not absolute; in some cases Gambian sleeping sickness can progress rapidly treatment plan for depression quality 40mg zerit, and occasionally Rhodesian sleeping sickness may follow a more chronic course medicine 606 cheap zerit 40 mg. Gambian Sleeping Sickness Within several days following the bite by an infected tsetse fly symptoms ulcer stomach discount zerit 40 mg fast delivery, a trypanosomal nodule or chancre develops treatment quincke edema buy zerit 40 mg on-line, typically on the exposed parts of the body symptoms glaucoma buy zerit 40mg overnight delivery. Within a week the lesion becomes a hard treatment 2015 40mg zerit, painful nodule surrounded by erythema and swelling symptoms 8 dpo order zerit 40 mg, which persists for 1 to 2 weeks. After this incubation period, clinical features develop after systemic, lymphatic, and circulatory invasion of the trypanosomes. Lymphadenopathy with prominent supraclavicular and posterior cervical enlargement is seen in > 80% of infected individuals. Moderate splenomegaly may occur, and urticaria and erythematous rashes have also been observed. Electrocardiograms are often abnormal, but clinical signs of heart disease are unusual. Six months to several years after symptoms first appear, the clinical features of this early hemolymphatic stage progress to a late meningoencephalitic stage. Later, more florid psychological changes may occur, with hallucinations and delusions. Reversion of sleep rhythm is characteristic, with drowsiness during the day, a feature from which the disease derives its name. Alterations in thermoregulation may lead to hypothermia or hyperthermia, and progressive neurologic alterations lead to convulsions, chorea, and athetosis. Adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, and hypogonadism are frequently observed, and pituitary function tests suggest an unusual combined central (hypothalamic/pituitary) and 1953 peripheral defect in hormone secretion. Rhodesian Sleeping Sickness this disease is more acute than Gambian sleeping sickness, and symptoms usually occur a few days after the victim has been bitten by the tsetse fly. Alternating periods of high fever, malaise, and headache, followed by several days of well-being, are often misinterpreted as acute malaria infection. Anemia, thrombocytopenia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation are usually evident within the first several weeks of infection. Liver enzyme values are often elevated, and electrocardiograms are abnormal, usually reflecting underlying myocarditis. Neurologic features are similar to those described for Gambian sleeping sickness, but they occur much earlier and with more rapid deterioration. Without treatment the disease may result in death within a matter of weeks to months, without clear distinction into an early and late phase, as described for Gambian trypanosomias. Following centrifugation, the buffy coat can be examined and trypanosomes fluoresce greenish yellow, remain motile, and are easily identified. In patients with Gambian sleeping sickness, in which trypanosomes are found less frequently in the blood, concentration methods such as anion exchange chromatography, diethylaminoethyl Figure 422-1 Life cycle of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei, T. The dose is 20 mg per kilogram of body weight given intravenously up to a maximum single dose of 1 gram. Suramin binds to plasma proteins and may persist in the circulation at low concentrations for as long as 3 months. A test dose of 200 mg is given initially; if no adverse side effects are noted, then full doses of the drug may be given on days 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21. Suramin is a toxic drug that may result in idiosyncratic reactions in some individuals (1 in 20,000). The drug is excreted entirely by the kidneys; renal damage may result because the drug is deposited in the renal tubules. The urine should be examined before administering each dose of suramin, and if proteinuria or casts are present, treatment should be stopped. Other side effects include a papular eruption, photophobia, arthralgias, peripheral neuritis, fever, and agranulocytosis. Pentamidine isethionate * is an alternative drug for treating early hemolymphatic African trypanosomiasis, but it is much less active against T. The dose is 4 mg per kilogram of body weight; it is given every other day by intramuscular injection for a total of 10 injections. A reactive encephalopathy, probably due to release of trypanosomal antigens, may occur early in the course of treatment, and its incidence has been reported to be as high as 18%. Clinical indications of reactive encephalopathy include high fever, headache, tremor, seizures, and finally coma. The recommended dosage is 400 mg per kilogram per day given intravenously in four divided doses for 2 weeks, followed by 300 mg per kilogram per day given orally in four doses for 30 days. Regular follow-up with clinical examination of a lumbar puncture is necessary for all patients for at least a year after treatment. Death frequently results from pneumonia in Gambian sleeping sickness and from heart failure in Rhodesian sleeping sickness. Treatment with suramin in the early phase of sleeping sickness results in a cure rate of >90%. Mel B achieves a parasitologic cure in at least 90% of cases of advanced disease, and many patients may recover completely. Surveillance with treatment is necessary to reduce the human reservoir of infection, particularly in areas where epidemics have occurred in the past. Pentamidine has been successfully used as a chemoprophylactic in Gambian sleeping sickness following mass screening and treatment of seropositive and trypansomal positive individuals regardless of symptoms. Pentamidine is given as a single intramuscular injection of 4 mg per kilogram every 3 to 6 months. However, the drug is generally not recommended for mass use, and it appears to be ineffective against Rhodesian trypanosomiasis. Vector control requires destruction of tsetse fly habitats by selective clearing of vegetation and spraying with insecticides, which are effective only temporarily. Because of the wide range of the tsetse fly, these vector control measures are not economically feasible except when it is necessary to break transmission in epidemics. For individual protection, avoidance of contact with infected tsetse flies is best achieved by the use of repellents and protective clothing. A vaccine is not currently available because of the occurrence of antigenic variation. However, the potential for development of a vaccine has increased with the progress in cultivation of T. This paper describes the treatment of 58 patients infected with Trypanosoma brucei gambiense with pentamidine with a cure rate of 94%, which was comparable to treatment with melarsoprol or eflornithine. Ekwanzala M, Pepin J, Khonde N, et al: In the heart of darkness: Sleeping sickness in Zaire. An excellent report demonstrating the resurgence of African trypanosomiasis in central Africa as a result of the deterioration in surveillance, prophylaxis, and treatment of trypanosomiasis due to the consequences of war, civil strife, and movement of refugee populations. This paper reviews the incidence of and risk factors for drug-induced encephalopathy and mortality during treatment with melarsoprol of 1083 patients with T. Chronic disease manifestations develop years after initial infection in the form of chronic cardiomyopathy with conduction defects or with dysfunction of the esophagus or colon (mega syndromes). Various species of blood-sucking reduviid bugs become infected when they take a blood meal from animals or humans who have circulating parasites, trypomastigotes, in the blood. The ingested parasites transform into epimastogotes and multiply in the midgut of the insect vector, where they later transform once again into metacyclic trypomastigotes in the hindgut of the bug. When the infected bug takes a subsequent blood meal, it frequently defecates during or after feeding, so that the infective metacyclic forms are deposited on the skin. Transmission to a second vertebrate host occurs when the feeding puncture site or a mucous membrane is inadvertently contaminated with infective bug feces. The parasites can penetrate a variety of host cell types, within which they transform into intracellular amastigote forms. They multiply in the cytoplasm, elongate, transform into motile trypomastigotes, and rupture out of the cells. Liberated organisms penetrate new cells or are carried into the blood stream to initiate further cycles of multiplication, preferentially in muscle cells, or are ingested by new vectors to maintain the cycle (Fig. A peridomestic cycle occurs under conditions in which infected animals, such as opposums and rats, live close to human habitations, and vector bugs may invade houses to seek a blood meal. Certain species of triatomine bugs, such as Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius prolixus, have a great propensity to invade and breed in houses if suitable microenvironments are present. Cracks and holes in adobe mud huts or in crude wooden walls, thatched roofs, and household rubble provide hiding and breeding places for the bugs, which venture out at night to feed upon sleeping inhabitants. Thus, human trypanosomiasis in Latin America is primarily an infection of rural poor people living in substandard housing. The prevalence of antibodies to the parasite in human populations varies widely in different countries, as well as within regions of a country. It is not unusual for up to half of all inhabitants in selected villages to be antibody-positive. But, since 1984 the overall prevalence of seropositivity in Brazil, for example, has decreased greatly from about 4 per cent to less than 0. It is estimated that in all of the Americas a total of 15 million people are infected. Considerable geographic variation exists in both the prevalence and the type of chronic disease manifestations. In Brazil, for example, cardiomyopathy and megadisease are common, and often a patient has both types of involvement. However, chagasic megaesophagus and megacolon are virtually unknown in Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama, whereas cardiomyopathy is relatively high, moderate, and low in prevalence, respectively. In general, the frequency of cardiac disease in Central America and Mexico in seropositive persons is low, even though rates of seropositivity may be substantial. Also in these countries heart disease tends to develop later in life than in Brazil, Bolivia, or Argentina. Yet in some areas of the West, bites from aggressive and abundant reduviid bugs can be a source of annoyance to , and allergic reactions in, suburbanites and outdoorspeople. A local inflammatory lesion called a chagoma may develop at the site of entry of the parasite. Histologically, the chagoma shows mononuclear cell infiltration, interstitial edema, and intracellular aggregates of amastigotes in cells of the subcutaneous tissue and muscle. Biopsy specimens from enlarged lymph nodes show hyperplasia, and amastigotes may be present in reticular cells. Skeletal muscle tissue from muscle biopsy specimens has shown organisms and focal inflammation. In acute cases that have a fatal outcome there is invariably myocarditis with an enlarged heart. Microscopically, degeneration of cardiac muscle fibers and prominent but patchy areas of inflammation with nests of amastigotes in the muscles are observed. The heart in those patients with chronic disease who die suddenly, presumably of ventricular arrhythmias or heart block, may be normal in size or only moderately enlarged. Other patients with chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy experience cardiomegaly and die of intractable failure. The hearts are both hypertrophied and dilated, with thinning, especially at the apex to form a characteristic apical aneurysm. Mural thrombi, with subsequent embolization of the lungs and peripheral organs, are frequently seen. Microscopic findings in the heart are not specific, consisting of focal mononuclear cell infiltrates, hypertrophy of cardiac fibers with patchy areas of necrosis, variable fibrosis, and edema. The components of the conduction system of the heart most often involved by inflammatory changes are the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes, as well as the right branch and left anterior branches of the bundle of His. The microscopic pathologic changes are disappointingly similar to those in the heart, again with no or very few organisms. This type of parasympathetic denervation may also be found in other hollow viscera, such as duodenum, ureters, or biliary tree. The presence of lesions and organisms in the placenta may be associated with abortion, stillbirth, or acute disease in the fetus. However, pregnancy may result in a normal fetus, even though placental lesions are present. Some of these patient maintain a low-level parasitemia demonstrable only with very sensitive techniques. So, one point of view is that indeterminate cases have a smouldering disease process that will become evident later. However, there are no tests that can predict whether or when evidence of chronic disease will develop. In countries of lower endemnicity the risk of chronic disease is correspondingly less. Key features of the chronic disease that must be explained include the following: (1) a latent period of up to 20 years from presumed initial infection with T. Genetic diversity in parasite strains, including variation in animal virulence, may explain geographic differences in disease. Yet, this does not preclude a concomitant autoimmune reaction to parasite antigens that have been shown to share antigenic epitopes with neural tissues. Also, reports of activation of disease are increasing, especially with brain involvement similar to that produced by Toxoplasma sp. When those initially exposed do have clinical manifestations, the disease is an acute systemic infection. The incubation period under natural conditions cannot be established accurately but is probably at least a week. A local area of erythema and induration (chagoma) may develop in the skin at the site of parasite entry. The chagoma is often accompanied by regional adenopathy and persists for several weeks. Meningoencephalitis is another serious complication, particularly in very young patients. Signs and symptoms of acute disease gradually subside within a few weeks to several months even without treatment. Trypanosomes, which have been demonstrable by direct microscopy in the peripheral blood during the acute phase, become more difficult to find and then disappear. This state of apparent complete recovery with positive serologic findings may continue indefinitely without further evidence of disease or sequelae. Except for epidemiologic experience from a particular geographic region, there are no laboratory or clinical indicators to predict the likelihood of future chronic disease. Cardiac signs and symptoms are the most common manifestations of chronic disease and are likely to begin with palpitations, dizziness, precordial discomfort, and even syncope. These reflect a variety of arrhythmias, including ventricular extrasystoles, bouts of tachycardia, and various degrees of heart block. Sudden death due to ventricular tachycardia in an otherwise healthy young adult is not unusual. Symptoms due to arrhythmias may be present for a long time before cardiomegaly or evidence of cardiac failure appears. When congestive failure develops, it is predominantly right sided and is likely to lead to a fatal outcome within a few years. Physical examination reveals only an irregular pulse, distant heart sounds, and perhaps a gallop rhythm. With failure, the heart can be very large, functional regurgitant murmurs may be heard, and there are often congestive hepatomegaly and peripheral edema. The second most common chronic manifestation is megadisease of the esophagus or colon, most frequently the former. The symptoms are indistinguishable from those of idiopathic achalasia and include dysphagia, feeling of fullness after eating or drinking only small amounts, chest pain, and regurgitation. Aspiration with secondary pneumonia is a common complication in advanced cases, as are weight loss and cachexia. Esophageal cancer is reported to be more frequent in patients with chagasic megaesophagus, as with idiopathic achalasia. Patients with chagasic megacolon suffer from chronic constipation and abdominal pain. An astonishing history of an interval of several weeks between bowel movements has been obtained from some patients with severe megacolon. Megaesophagus and megacolon may both be present in the same patient, and cardiomyopathy can occur with either form of megadisease. Usual tourist travel to endemic areas is not likely to provide sufficient exposure to infected vectors. Organisms are more difficult to find on stained thin or thick blood films, but the morphologic features of organisms seen on direct microscopy should be confirmed in a stained preparation. Biopsy of an enlarged lymph node or of skeletal muscle for culture and/or histologic examination is another possibility. A time-honored, labor-intensive, but very sensitive technique for recovering trypanosomes from the blood is a procedure referred to as xenodiagnosis. Circulating parasites ingested by the bugs multiply in the gut and can be detected when the intestinal contents are examined 30 days later. Parasite-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies detected by immunofluorescence or direct agglutination do not become positive until 20 to 40 days after the onset of symptoms. In certain situations this delayed antibody response permits the demonstration of seroconversion. Thus, except for the positive serologic findings, the diagnosis relies heavily upon clinical judgment in excluding other causes of heart disease or gastrointestinal dysfunction. A variety of assays for specific antibody are available, and generally the results of different tests are comparable. However, there are cross-reactions in some tests with sera from patients with leishmaniasis or syphilis, for example.

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