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It often involves the renal parenchyma and perinephric tissue and may present with metastasis erectile dysfunction 60784 extra super avana 260 mg for sale. Intravenous urography may reveal nonvisualization erectile dysfunction future treatment buy extra super avana 260mg without a prescription, hydronephrosis, a central mass or a pelvicalyceal filling defect seen in 83% of patients. In cross sectional imaging, this cannot be differentiated from transitional cell carcinomas. Renal medullary carcinoma is similar and arises from calyceal epithelium, in or near the renal papilla, from which it grows in an infiltrative pattern. It is seen in young African-American children and adults, seen exclusively with patients of sickle cell trait and commonly has metastasis at time of presentation. They are most common in patients more than 40 years of age and they present with hematuria, abdominal distention, weight loss or pain. Leiomyosarcoma is the most common type of renal sarcoma, comprising half of all renal sarcoma. Liposarcoma of the kidney arises from the renal capsule and appears as a large retroperitoneal mass with macroscopic fat. Extranodal spread of lymphoma often affects the genitourinary system with the kidneys, being most commonly involved organ. Renal involvement is often asymptomatic, detection usually occurs at imaging studies. Renal lymphoma has a variety of imaging appearances depending on the pattern of tumor proliferation. Malignant lymphocytes reach the renal parenchyma by means of hematogenous spread and proliferate within the interstitium, using nephrons, tubules and blood vessels as scaffolding for further growth. If it follows this infiltrative pattern, kidneys enlarge, maintaining the reniform shape. In many cases there is focal proliferation giving rise to single or more commonly bilateral renal expansile masses. Some tumors spread by means of contiguous extension from the retroperitoneal disease, penetrating the renal capsule. Renal involvement is usually bilateral, in form of nodules or diffuse infiltration, bulky single tumor, invasion from perirenal disease or microscopic invasion. Hydronephrosis or hydroureter may be seen due to displacement or obstruction to renal pelvis or ureter by lymph nodes. This may mimic renal cysts, but there is no through transmission and subtle low level echoes may be seen. It may also detect hydroureteronephrosis, adenopathy and other foci in liver and spleen. The sinus fat surrounding the central pelvicalyceal echoes may completely disappear. There is a low attenuation mass expanding the kidney with predominent involvement of the renal medulla, with relative sparing of cortical margins. Heterogeneous enhancement of the kidneys, with loss of normal differential enhancement is seen. The mass usually causes encasement of the renal vessels leading to poor enhancement. Renal lymphoma is slightly hypointense to renal parenchyma on unenhanced T1-weighted images and mildly hyperintense on T2-images. There is mild heterogeneous enhancement on post-gadolinium images, the enhancement being less than that of the normal parenchyma. Primary renal lymphoma is extremely rare, due to lack of lymphatic tissue within the kidney. The tumor is aggressive and shows bilateral renal involvement in majority of cases. The most common site of primary, being lung, colon, breast, melanoma and reproductive organ malignancies. Large solitary renal metastasis disrupt renal cortical margins, may be associated with breast, lung or colon carcinomas. Direct involvement of perinephric space by metastasis, representing usually lymphatic spread is noted in metastasis from melanoma and lung carcinoma.

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The posterior horn of the lateral meniscus courses slightly upwards as it extends into the posterior intercondylar notch impotence treatment after prostate surgery purchase extra super avana with amex. This is due to the magic angle phenomenon caused by 55 degree orientation of this meniscus with respect to the static magnetic field erectile dysfunction reviews purchase extra super avana now. This pitfall is avoided by following the meniscal fragment on successive sagittal scans, recognizing that it is contiguous with the normal ligament coursing across the infrapatellar fat. Pulsation Artifact from the Popliteal Artery Phase artifacts propagating from the popliteal artery may mimic a tear in the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus on sagittal scans. Misdiagnosis can be avoided by recognizing the alternating lines of increased and decreased signal propagating across the entire image at that level. Surgical Considerations in Meniscal Tear Meniscofemoral Ligaments Similarly, the attachment of the meniscofemoral ligaments of Humphrey or Wrisberg to the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus may be mistaken for a tear on sagittal scans. Again, examination of sequential sagittal or appropriate coronal scans should allow for accurate diagnosis. The paramount goal is to preserve as much meniscal tissue as possible to lessen the probability of developing osteoarthritis. Tear Location the most important factor in predicting the success of a meniscal repair is where the tear is located in the meniscus. It is also important to describe any meniscal tissue that has become displaced into a para-articular "gutter" so that the arthroscopist is able to probe for and resect the fragment, which might otherwise be missed. There are several mechanisms of injury associated with ligament and tendon disruptions, a knowledge of which enables the radiologist to analyze systematically the structures of the knee affected and maximize the detection of pathology. Tear Morphology and Length Vertical longitudinal tears have the best prognosis for healing because they do not disrupt the circumferential collagen bundles that are important for maintaining normal meniscal function. Small partial tears (involving less than half the height of the meniscus) and radial tears measuring less than 5 mm in length also have a higher rate of healing than do larger tears. Most horizontal tears are also not amenable to repair and the surgeon typically resects either the superior or inferior flap, leaving the other in situ. It typically has a striated appearance with some high signal within it especially at its insertion on the tibia. An irregular or wavy contour and disruption of fibers also suggests a complete tear. In partial tear, although the bulk of the ligament appears to be intact with a relatively normal axis, there may be localized angulation of the ligament at the site of fiber disruption. False-negative diagnosis may result from the formation of scar tissue with adherence of anterior cruciate ligament to the post cruciate ligament simulating a normal course and signal of the anterior cruciate ligament. The invested deep fascia of the sartorius muscle, which overlies the gastrocnemius muscle, forms the most superficial layer. At the level of the joint line the superficial and deep portions of the ligament are separated by a bursa and surrounding fat which should not be mistaken for a localized meniscocapsular separation. In grade 1 injury a slight contour irregularity or thickening of the ligament may be seen but there is no discontinuity of its fibers. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Posteromedial corner injuries usually result from a valgus stress combined with rotational forces. It has a fusiform configuration and appears uniformly hypointense on all imaging sequences. A focus of marrow edema may be present when the posterior oblique ligament avulses. The arcuate ligament is as Y-shaped structure that represents thickening of the posterolateral joint capsule. These are seen as low signal intensity structures on all pulse sequences and nearly uniform in thickness. Contour changes, such as thickening and irregularity, are more typical of subacute or old injuries.

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Neurotoxicity of X-ray contrast media: Relation to lipid solubility and blood brain barrier permeability erectile dysfunction ayurvedic drugs in india purchase extra super avana 260 mg without prescription. Contrast media viscosity: a contributing factor in blood-brain barrier damage following intracarotid contrast injection Prevention of generalized reactions to contrast media: a consensus report and guidelines impotence urologist buy extra super avana 260mg with visa. Nephrotoxicity of ionic and nonionic contrast media in 1196 patients: a randomized trial. Guidelines to diminish the risk of lactic acidosis in non-insulin dependent diabetics after administration of contrast media. Adverse reactions to intravascularly administered contrast media: A comprehensive study based on a prospective survey. Environmental estrogens induce mast cell degranulation and enhance Ig E-mediated release of allergic mediators. Use of low-osmolar agents and premedication to reduce the frequency of adverse reactions to radiographic contrast media: A survey of the society of Uroradiology. Most of the initial lesions heal without sequelae, and only one or a few progress to clinically or radiologically apparent abnormalities. This happens when the bacilli erode out of their initial vascular location and spill into the tubules. Granuloma, caseous necrosis, and cavitation represent stages of progression of the infection. This may communicate with the pelvicalyceal system, and the infection further spreads to the ureter and urinary bladder. The pelvicalyceal and ureteral involvement appears as mucosal ulcerations, focal or generalised dilatation or cicatrisation. The pattern of progression and healing is variable and produces asymmetric histologic, microscopic and radiological findings unique to each patient. If the hydronephrotic kidney becomes nonfunctioning, extensive dystrophic (putty like) calcification may form a cast of the kidney, referred to as autonephrectomy. It is also a diagnostic problem because of variable imaging features which often resemble many other lesions. The disease is predominant between second and fourth decades of life being distinctly low in children, and less prevalent in fifth and sixth decades. Past or concurrent pulmonary lesion is the most common primary lesion, followed by bone and joint tuberculosis. The organisms may involve both kidneys in the initial phase, and are lodged in the glomerular and peritubular capillary bed. Nearly 50% of the patients at sometime during the course of the disease have hematuria. Constitutional symptoms like fever, weight loss, fatigue are present in about 50% of the patients. They in fact state that the current use of imaging studies other than urography and the finding of other microorganisms in urine culture can delay the diagnosis. Whenever a imaging pattern of chronic renal inflammatory disease is recognized, particularly in the setting of periureteric or peripelvic fibrosis, tuberculosis must be considered. Small, enlarged or normal renal size; presence of scarring or focal bulge are all nonspecific findings. Deposition of calcium in an attempt to heal and limit the pathological process often provides a diagnostic clue. Calcification is of two types: (i) amorphous granular associated with granulomatous masses, and (ii) dense punctate calcification representing healed tuberculoma.

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Breast compression results in uniform thickness and hence uniform exposure and density in most parts of the breast psychological erectile dysfunction drugs buy discount extra super avana. The overlapping tissues are separated and spread evenly which improves their visualization impotence over the counter cheap 260 mg extra super avana with visa. Firm compression of the breast closer to film or image receptor reduces the geometric blur and magnification. Such situations may include uncooperative women, presence of wound, recent surgery or tender breasts. For accurate detection and characterization of the breast abnormalities on mammography, good quality control is essential. It is required at several steps; acceptance and periodic maintenance of the equipment, positioning and exposure, film processing, viewing conditions and the interpretation. The quality control requirements of mammography are probably more stringent than any other imaging modality. With present mammographic equipment, there is little or no radiation related risk to the women over 40 years of age. Positioning is achieved by pulling the breast up and forward, away from the chest wall, with compression applied from above 3324 Section 7 Musculoskeletal and Breast Imaging demonstrated completely. Supplementary Views Supplementary views may be taken to solve specific diagnostic problems. Rolled views may separate normal fibroglandular elements into their individual components. These views are performed by "rolling" the breast tissue and compressing the breast in the same projection in which the finding was first discovered. This is particularly helpful for detailed analysis of microcalcifications and the margins of small mass lesions. Spot compression view is obtained by using a small compression paddle with or without magnification. By compression, the breast tissue overlying a small lesion is displaced, allowing for better demonstration of its morphologic features. This technique is also very helpful in analyzing asymmetrical soft tissue shadows, either by confirming that the shadow represents normal glandular tissue or by demonstrating that an underlying lesion is present. For demonstration of tissue in the most posterolateral part of the breast, the patient is rotated medially to bring the lateral part of the breast and axillary tail over the film, while excluding the medial portion of the breast. For medial breast lesions, the patient is rotated laterally to bring the medial part of the breast over the film, while excluding the outer breast tissue. The extralobular terminal duct and the lobule form a terminal ductal lobular unit. Terminal ductal lobular unit is the site of origin of most malignant and benign disease of the breast. The mammographic appearance of the breast depends on the relative amounts of fat and glandular tissue that are present. Normal lymph nodes are often seen in the axilla and within the breast (intramammary lymph nodes), in the upper outer quadrant. A normal lymph node is an oval or lobulated dense mass with a radiolucent fatty hilum. The nipple is usually everted and it should be seen in profile on at least one mammographic view so that the retroareolar region can be visualized without its superimposition. The nipple can be inverted since birth as a normal variant; however, recent nipple inversion is of concern for a retroareolar mass. Benign masses do not invade tissue margins and therefore tend to have well circumscribed borders. Because breast cancers invade the basement membrane and extend into the surrounding glandular tissue, they produce irregularly shaped masses with indistinct or spiculated margins. Microlobulated masses have small undulations and are more worrisome for malignancy than are smooth masses.

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The definitive treatment of adenomyosis is hysterectomy erectile dysfunction see urologist discount extra super avana 260mg amex, dysfunctional uterine bleeding may be controlled with dilatation and curettage and symptomatic leiomyomas may be removed via myomectomy erectile dysfunction medicine in homeopathy cheap extra super avana uk. Sonography shows an enlarged uterus without focal masses, more often seen to involve the posterior uterine wall. On transabdominal sonography, the features suggestive of adenomyosis are a diffuse uterine enlargement with a normal contour, normal endometrial and myometrial texture. Other findings that have been described are thickening of the posterior myometrium with the involved area being slightly more anechoic than normal myometrium. Two sonographic features used to characterize an adenomyoma are indistinct margin and presence of hypoechoic lacunae in the hyperechoic myometrium with several cysts. The junctional zone may be evenly or irregularly thickened with a thickness of >12 mm considered abnormal. A B Endometrial Polyps Endometrial polyps are localized hyperplastic overgrowth of endometrial glands and stroma which are covered by endometrium and almost always benign. Endometrial polyps may be sessile or pedunculated and are usually attached to the uterine fundus. There are three types of polyps: hyperplastic (resembling glands of endometrial hyperplasia), atrophic (cystically dilated atrophic glands), and functional (undergo cyclical endometrial changes). Endometrial polyps are common, being found in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, with 20% to be multiple in the affected women. Most polyps are asymptomatic; however when symptomatic, may cause menorrhagia, intermenstrual bleeding or postmenopausal bleeding. Women on tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer treatment have an increased relative risk for developing endometrial polyps. A spectrum of endometrial abnormalities like proliferative changes, hyperplasia, polyps and cancer have been reported with tamoxifen. This is because a polyp seen as a round echogenic mass within the endometrial cavity is much more easily identified when there is fluid in the endometrial cavity outlining the mass. A submucosal fibroid may mimic an endometrial polyp but may be differentiated by a broader base and more irregular contour of the former on sonohysterography. A normal layer of endometrium is seen overlying a submucosal fibroid while the polyp can be seen arising from the endometrium. However, in case of a degenerated submucosal fibroid, the signal intensity of the two may overlap. Histologically, endometrial hyperplasia can be divided into hyperplasia without cellular atypia and hyperplasia with cellular atypia (atypical hyperplasia) with 25% of the latter subgroup progressing to endometrial cancer. Each of these types may be further subdivided into simple (cystic) or complex (adenomatous) hyperplasia depending on the glandular complexity. In simple (cystic) hyperplasia, there is cystic dilatation of the glands with surrounding abundant cellular stroma while in complex (adenomatous) hyperplasia, the glands are crowded with little intervening stroma. The cutoff value for normal versus abnormal endometrial thickeness is controversial, but is a function of the patients hormone status [i. On ultrasonography, a bilayer endometrial width greater than equal to 5 mm is regarded as abnormal in symptomatic postmenopausal women. Follwing contrast administration, the endometrial hyperplasia enhances less than the adjacent myometrium. The sonographic diagnosis is difficult unless fluid is distending the endometrial cavity. Adhesions appear as bridging bands of tissue that distort the cavity or as thin undulating membranes best seen on realtime sonography. Cystic adnexal masses on sonography include physiological ovarian cysts (follicular cysts, corpus luteum cysts, and theca lutein cysts), hemorrhagic ovarian cysts, simple ovarian cysts, polycystic ovarian disease, hydrosalpinx, cystadenoma, paraovarian cysts, peritoneal inclusion cysts and endometriomas. Spectral analysis of venous flow also depict high flow velocities and systolic velocity peaks similar to arterial pattern, suggesting an arteriovenous shunting. It is a simple cyst and its diagnosis is based purely on ultrasound findings-a unilocular, round, anechoic structure with a thin and regular walls causing posterior acoustic enhancement. The cyst wall is imperceptible on T1 weighted images and enhances following administration of gadolinium.

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Hypervascular metastases impotence occurs when buy 260 mg extra super avana visa, such as those from islet cell tumors impotence merriam webster order genuine extra super avana line, carcinoid and renal cell carcinoma are generally high in signal intensity on T2W images and show intense peripheral ring of enhancement immediately after gadolinium administration. Hemangiomas typically show early discrete nodular enhancement which shows a centripetal progression on delayed scans. Metastases often show a transient enhancement of the periphery with a peripheral washout on delayed scans. Gadobenate, a hepatobiliary contrast agent, is also useful in evaluation of liver metastasis. Despite the marked improvement in the accuracy of detection and characterization of metastatic disease, a significant number of lesions are found at surgery that goes undetected on preoperative imaging. Although aspiration cytology is usually sufficient, tissue cores can be obtained using rapid-firing cutting needles. Tumors are moderately low in signal intensity on T1W scans and mild to moderately hyperintense on T2W scans and show mild Chapter 80 Malignant Focal Lesions of the Liver 5. Nodule-in-nodule appearance of hepatocellular carcinoma: Comparison of gadolinium-enhanced and ferumoxides-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Practice guidelines committee, American association for the study of liver diseases. Imaging findings are nonspecific and cannot be differentiated from other spaceoccupying lesions. Diagnosis based on imaging alone is generally more difficult to make than in focal liver lesions, as their effect on normal liver architecture may be minimal. However, imaging can help in assessing the severity and extent of the diffuse liver diseases and to demonstrate its sequela such as portal hypertension and neoplasia. The degree of echogenicity is roughly proportional to the degree of steatosis and tends to parallel biochemical and clinical dysfunction. Malnutrition, chronic illnesses, ileal bypass, drugs and toxins, total parenteral nutrition, inflammatory bowel disease, severe hepatitis, steroid intake, acquired immune deficiency syndrome and congestive heart failure can also result in fatty liver. Excess fat deposition in the liver can result from excess synthesis, decreased utilization, impaired release of hepatic lipoproteins and excess mobilization from fatty tissue. Onethird of asymptomatic alcoholic patients and up to 50% of patients with diabetes mellitus develop fatty liver. Mild hepatomegaly with or without vague right upper abdominal pain can be present in symptomatic patients. In such cases, the area of decreased attenuation 1330 Section 3 Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Imaging typically extends to the liver capsule, without causing contour bulge and typically has a straight margin. Loss of signal on the opposed phase image when compared with the in-phase image readily identifies excess fat containing areas in the liver. Although fatty infiltration may demonstrate increased signal intensity of liver on T1- and T2-weighted spin echo images, this increase in signal may not be apparent even with massive fat deposition in liver. Focal fat deposition and focal fat sparing are less common patterns that typically occur adjacent to the falciform ligament, fissure for ligamentum venosum, porta hepatis, gallbladder fossa and in the subcapsular portions of the liver. Their characteristic location, geographic/wedge shape configuration with angulated margins, lack of mass effect, presence of normal blood vessels coursing through them and enhancement similar to normal liver help differentiate these from true lesions. Severe chronic hepatitis causes coarsening of parenchymal echotexture and increased echogenicity resulting in poor visualization of portal venous branches. This finding, however, is nonspecific and it is also seen in fatty infiltration and cirrhosis. Hepatomegaly, gallbladder wall thickening, and periportal hypodensity can be seen in acute hepatitis and periportal lymphadenopathy is commonly seen in chronic active hepatitis. Likewise, heterogeneous contrast enhancement and T2 hyperintensity signify severe ongoing inflammation in chronic hepatitis, while absence of patchy enhancement suggests low inflammatory reaction. Unlike acute viral hepatitis, liver echogenicity is increased in acute alcoholic hepatitis due to presence of concomitant fatty infiltration. Imaging is relatively nonspecific but can help to exclude biliary obstruction in acute hepatitis. Severe acute hepatitis may result in decreased parenchymal echogenicity against which the portal vein branches appear brighter than normal. Because such iron is deposited primarily in the reticuloendothelial system (liver, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow) organ function is generally preserved. Hemochromatosis on the other hand, is a more severe form of iron accumulation (body stores up to 50-60 g iron) that adversely affects organ function.


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A major clinical limitation of this technique impotence reasons purchase extra super avana in united states online, therefore erectile dysfunction new zealand cheap extra super avana master card, is that it reflects the status of peripheral long bone and measures primarily the cortex. The chief advantage is that the gamma ray energy of the source is higher (153Gd with photons of 42 and 100 keV), and it has a uniform path length. This technique yields integral of all mineral within the scan path including the vertebral bodies, endplates and posterior elements. The major disadvantage is that vertebral compression fractures with callus formation, kyphoscoliosis, articular facet hypertrophy, diskogenic sclerosis, marginal osteophytosis and extraosseous calcification (aorta) are also included in the integral measurement and may result in inaccurate and poorly reproducible vertebral measurements. It cannot distinguish between cortical and trabecular bone or discriminate between changes due to bone geometry. Nor can it help those due entirely to increased bone density (within a fixed volume of bone). In a study of 55 patients of prostate cancer who underwent orchidectomy the author found that a statistical reduction in vertebral trabecular bone mineral density was observed in all patients within six months of orchidectomy. The author found a significant decrease in trabecular bone mineral density at all vertebral levels with an average decrease of 26. In both the scanning modalities there is direct correlation between age and osteoporosis as with increasing age the incidence of osteoporosis increased in all the groups. Accurate and consistent positioning of the forearm and reference lines are essential in any longitudinal or multicenter studies for comparable results. Quantitative Ultrasound Ultrasound has been successfully used for many years for nondestructive material testing. Both scattering characteristics and ultrasound velocity changes have been used to evaluate mechanical competence and detect the presence of damage in both materials and structures. In addition to assessing bone density these variables reflect parameters, such as elasticity and microarchitecture which are important in assessing fracture risk in osteoporotic subjects. The calcaneum is the most favored site as it is a weight bearing bone and composed almost entirely of trabecular bone. The ultrasound wave is produced in the form of a sinusoid impulse by special piezoelectric probes, and is detected once it has passed through the medium; there are two distinct probes, emitting and receiving, and the skeletal segment for evaluation is placed between them. Numerous efforts have been made to develop trabecular bone imaging of peripheral sites, such as the radius, tibia and calcaneus. Recently clinically useful images of femur (the deeper structure) are obtained by Krug et al. Secondly, the gradient-echo has to be acquired immediately after the excitation pulse in order to avoid signal loss due to T2 relaxation. The simplest sequence that fulfills the aforementioned requirements is a basic gradientecho sequence. Image postprocessing: There are many different approaches for extracting structural information from 3D images of the High-resolution Bone Imaging the importance of assessing the microarchitectural make-up of addition to its mineral density in the context of osteoporosis has been emphasized in a number of publications. Therefore, it is suitable for the assessment of bone structure in a clinical setting. Information regarding structure, topology, and orientation of the trabecular bone network as well as cortical thickness and area can be extracted from the images by applying digital postprocessing techniques. Trabecular bone analysis: Structural parameters are commonly divided into three classes, including scale, topology and orientation. Topology can be assessed by investigating the plate- or rode-like structure of the network. And finally orientation methods characterize the degree of anisotropy of the structure.

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Metadiaphyseal lesions may show classical serpiginous low intensity line surrounding high intensity center (in chronic infarcts) and high-intensity rim in more acute infarcts erectile dysfunction treatment diabetes buy extra super avana 260 mg cheap. Axial plane is used for localization of condyle and planning of sagittal and coronal images impotence urinary extra super avana 260mg mastercard. Coronal images are acquired along the horizontal long axes of condyles in closed mouth position. The inversion recovery image shows dark signal due to fat saturation (B) plane of imaging. The preferred sequences are T1 spin echo (shows fat as bright), T2 turbo spin echo (fluid sensitive) and proton density images. Functional joint dynamics at incremental mouth opening can be shown with small flip angle gradient echo imaging. The disk is composed of avascular fibrous connective tissue which merges with peripheral capsule. The head opposed to articular eminence with thin zone of disk interposed between the two (last frame upper row). Note expansion of the posterior soft tissues as mouth opens approximately 18 mm in anteroposterior dimension and 20 mm in mediolateral extension. Two localized thickenings are present in the disk, called anterior and posterior bands. Consequently the disk is 2 mm thick in its anterior part, 1 mm centrally and 3 mm in its posterior part. Disk is attached posteriorly to temporal bone and posterior subcondylar area through a fibrofatty vascular connective tissue called posterior attachment, retrodiskal tissue or bilaminar zone through its superior and inferior lamina. Joint is covered by a loose connective tissue capsule, attached superiorly to articular eminence and circumference of mandibular fossa and inferiorly to neck of condyle. The superior head of lateral pterygoid inserts on anterior capsule and adjacent condylar neck with its tendinous fibers directly attaching to the anterior band of the disk and helps in mouth opening. Medial pterygoid and temporalis muscles with their mandibular insertions also assist mandibular movements. Temporomandibular and sphenomandibular/stylomandibular ligaments reinforce the lateral and medioposterior capsule respectively. The low-signal maxillary vessels can be seen between pterygoid muscles and mandibular condyle. Translation occurs predominantly in the upper compartment and both rotation and translation in the lower compartment. During jaw opening, initially the condyles rotate in lower compartment followed by translatory movement in upper and subsequently in the lower joint compartment. During translation there is sliding movement of intra-articular disk along with condyle in relation to mandibular fossa. During all movements the central disk remains located between the condyle and the articular tubercle with anterior and posterior bands acting as functional guides. The disk does not move in the mediolateral direction unless these attachments are torn. Intraarticular disk shows low-signal intensity as it is composed of fibrous tissue, however the posterior disk attachment has relatively high-signal intensity because of fatty tissue. Disk can displace in anterior, posterior, anteromedial, anterolateral and sometimes purely in lateral and medial directions. Further the disk displacement may be complete or partial when only the medial or lateral part of the disk is displaced. In pure medial and lateral disk displacements sagittal images will show no disk between condyle and mandibular fossa. Instead pulled up lateral or medial capsular tissue respectively will be seen, giving it an empty appearance (empty fossa sign). The reducing disk leads to nonreducing disk in due course of time and a chronically displaced disk slowly gets deformed and later leads to osteoarthritis of the joint. As the disease progresses disk assumes rounded, biconvex or sigmoid shape instead of normal biconcave configuration.
