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By: L. Grim, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

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Metastasis from a lung primary should be considered before diagnosing a primary bladder large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma erectile dysfunction pills herbal order 40 mg cialis professional mastercard. No metastases or tumor recurrences have been observed in patients whose tumors were confined within the bladder wall erectile dysfunction premature ejaculation treatment order 20mg cialis professional visa. Fewer than two dozen cases of carcinoid tumors of the urinary bladder have been reported, usually occurring in elderly patients (age range, 29 to 75 years), with a slight male predominance. Their coexistence with other bladder tumors, such as inverted papilloma and adenocarcinoma, has been reported. Well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors of the bladder are histologically like their counterparts in other organ sites. The tumor cells have abundant amphophilic cytoplasm and are arranged in an insular, acinar, trabecular, or pseudoglandular pattern with a delicate vascular stroma. Differential diagnostic considerations include paraganglioma, nested variant of urothelial carcinoma, and metastatic prostate carcinoma. About 25% of patients have or experience development of regional lymph node or distant metastasis, but the majority is cured by excision. It is thought to arise from embryonic rests of chromaffin cells in the sympathetic plexus of the detrusor muscle. These findings support the hypothesis that paraganglioma of the bladder originates from paraganglionic cells that migrated into the bladder wall. Patients with these mutations usually have a paternal family history of disease due to maternal imprinting. Genetic aberrations at other loci Paraganglioma Clinical Features Primary paraganglioma of the bladder occurs infrequently. The tumor tends to occur in young patients (mean age, 45 years), and symptoms are present in more than 80% of cases. Presenting symptoms include hematuria; hypertension, which may be exacerbated during voiding; and other symptoms of catecholamine excess. In contrast with extraadrenal paragangliomas at other sites, of which approximately 10% exhibit malignant behavior, the frequency of malignancy in bladder paragangliomas is about 20%. The tumor is composed of large polygonal cells with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and central vesicular nuclei (C and D). Tumor cell nuclei are centrally located and are vesicular with finely granular chromatin. The cells are arranged in discrete nests (Zellballen), with intervening vascular septa. Metastatic large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma is characterized by necrosis, abundant mitotic activity, and cellular anaplasia. Malignant melanoma must be considered in the differential diagnosis because paraganglioma may contain melanin pigment. Most of these lesions occur in the setting of neurofibromatosis type 1 rather than as isolated lesions. Neurofibroma is a benign, probably neoplastic tumor of various nerve sheath cells including Schwann cells, perineurium-like cells, fibroblasts, and intermediate type cells. Superficial bandlike subepithelial pseudomeissnerian corpuscles are prominent (D and E). Areas of diffuse involvement were hypocellular with small- to medium-size spindle cells with ovoid to elongate nuclei in a collagenized matrix. A patient treated with imatinib after systemic chemotherapy and radical surgery remained alive after 6 years of follow-up. Only a few cases have been documented, predominantly in patients younger than 40 years. The tumor may infiltrate the entire thickness of the bladder wall, involving perivesical soft tissues or pelvic peritoneum. Prognosis is generally poor, with local recurrence or distant metastases often evident within 2 months of initial surgical resection. Nuclei are round to oval with prominent irregular eosinophilic nucleoli or elongated and tapered with marked atypia.

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Most often the tumor is in the dome of the bladder and less frequently in the lateral walls erectile dysfunction without pills cialis professional 20 mg low price. Histologically natural treatment erectile dysfunction exercise proven cialis professional 20 mg, interlacing bundles and fascicles of elongated eosinophilic cytoplasmic processes and spindled to elongated hyperchromatic nuclei are common. High-grade lesions have significant nuclear pleomorphism with hyperchromasia and irregular nuclear membranes. Pleomorphic, vesicular nuclei with macronucleoli and frequent bizarre mitotic figures interspersed with some multinucleate giant cells characterize high-grade lesions. The pleomorphism of high-grade leiomyosarcoma is usually identifiable at low power, along with tumor cell necrosis, increased mitotic activity, and infiltration of the muscularis propria. Grading influences prognosis and is based on the degree of cytologic atypia and mitotic activity. Low-grade leiomyosarcoma has fewer than five mitoses per high-power fields, mild to moderate cytologic atypia, minimal necrosis, and an infiltrative margin. Several morphologic variants including myxoid and epithelioid types have been described. Myxoid leiomyosarcoma may contain moderate numbers of thin-walled blood vessels, and epithelioid leiomyosarcoma has rounded tumor cells, which occasionally exhibit clear and vacuolated cytoplasm. Immunohistochemically, leiomyosarcomas usually stain positively for vimentin, with variable staining for smooth muscle actin (43% to 100%) and desmin (0% to 60%) (Tables 6. Leiomyosarcoma must be differentiated from several other tumors including leiomyoma, sarcomatoid carcinoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, postoperative spindle cell tumor, and pseudosarcomatous myofibroblastic proliferations. Sarcomatoid carcinoma can be recognized if one is aware of a history of a high-grade urothelial carcinoma or of concurrent urothelial in situ or invasive carcinoma. Therefore extensive tissue sampling is recommended before rendering a diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma in the bladder. Another differential consideration, rhabdomyosarcoma, may have a myxoid appearance, but this tumor is rare in adults. Features of rhabdomyosarcoma include the presence of cross striations or a cambium layer, as well as positive staining for myogenin. Caldesmon is usually positive in leiomyosarcoma but is usually negative in inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor and rhabdomyosarcoma. Children with neurofibromatosis type 1 have an increased prevalence of rhabdomyosarcoma with a predominance of bladder or prostate primaries. Although the prognosis in adults is generally poor, significant advances in the treatment of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma have been made, resulting in improved survival with preservation of bladder function. It is composed of interwoven fascicles of spindle cells with nuclear pleomorphism, hyperchromasia, and atypical mitotic figures (B and C). Several histologic variants of rhabdomyosarcoma are seen in the bladder, with embryonal type, including the botryoid subtype, being the most common. The shiny, lobulated, grapelike appearance of the most common type of bladder sarcoma in children is the source of the name sarcoma botryoid. The main tumor mass in botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma may be a paucicellular myxoid tumor. These hypocellular areas may be admixed with more cellular areas, especially where the tumor infiltrates deeply into the muscle wall. Histologically, well-differentiated tumor cells (rhabdomyoblasts) have hyperchromatic small nuclei. This sarcoma has closely packed alveolar spaces separated by thin fibrovascular septa lined by a single layer of cuboidal hyperchromatic tumor cells. The polygonal cells lining the fibrovascular septa have a hobnail appearance, with nuclei projecting away from the basement membrane. The solid type of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma grows in confluent sheets, but the cells are similar to those of the classic pattern. The botryoid subtype, which tends not to infiltrate deeply into the muscle, is associated with an overall excellent prognosis. Deeply infiltrating embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma and alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, in contrast, often portend a poor prognosis even with modern multimodality therapy. Immunohistochemical stains of rhabdomyosarcoma usually show positivity for desmin, MyoD1, or myogenin. The differential diagnosis of bladder rhabdomyosarcoma includes pseudosarcomatous myofibroblastic tumor, leiomyosarcoma, and neurofibroma and sarcomatoid carcinoma.

The clinical symptoms of pure ductal carcinoma and mixed ductal-acinar carcinoma overlap with those of typical acinar carcinoma erectile dysfunction statin drugs order cheap cialis professional line. Cystoscopically erectile dysfunction kidney cheap 20 mg cialis professional, ductal carcinoma may appear as multiple friable, polypoid, wormlike white masses protruding from ducts at or near the mouth of the prostatic utricle of the verumontanum; more often, however, there are no distinguishing cystoscopic findings. This unusual cancer is composed of large cells with single or multiple bizarre enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei with adjacent (left) typical high-grade adenocarcinoma (A and B). At the time of symptom presentation, most patients have tumors confined to the prostate or urethra, with concurrent invasive acinar prostatic adenocarcinoma in at least 77% of cases. Cystic growth is a less common pattern and usually occurs in the peripheral zone, often with exophytic papillary and cribriform growth within large accommodating spaces in a manner similar to endometrial tumors expanding within the uterine cavity or ovarian tumors growing within cystic spaces or the peritoneal cavity. Identification of papillary or cribriform growth of cancer in biopsies usually represents peripheral zone adenocarcinoma (90% of cases with these patterns) and not periurethral ductal involvement (10%). Subtypes include cribriform, papillary, solid, comedocarcinoma, urothelial-like cancer, mucinous cancer, and intestinal-type mucinous cancer. The differential diagnosis includes conventional prostatic adenocarcinoma with mucin production, urothelial carcinoma with glandular differentiation, and secondary adenocarcinoma, usually of colorectal origin. Compare with (E), showing scattered basal cells at the periphery, indicating noninvasive (intraductal) nature of the growth at this site. This papillary proliferation filled the large periurethral prostatic ducts and protruded into the urethra, with prostatic stromal invasion elsewhere. Quadruple stain on (I) reveals absence of basal cells around this large mass, indicating that it is invasive. We do not recognize this as an entity and do not use this diagnosis, considering it is merely another name for ductal carcinoma. Two types of tumor cells are distinguished on the basis of cytoplasmic differentiation: light cells are most common, containing secretory droplets, lipid-filled vacuoles, and pinocytotic vesicles; and dark cells contain electron-dense cytoplasm with abundant endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes. Ductal carcinoma must be distinguished from urothelial carcinoma of the prostate, ectopic prostatic tissue, benign polyp, nephrogenic metaplasia, proliferative papillary urethritis, inverted papilloma, and accentuated mucosal folds. There is usually evidence of glandular differentiation in ductal carcinoma, allowing separation from urothelial carcinoma. Benign mimics are distinguished from ductal carcinoma by the absence of nuclear abnormalities. Subclassification of ductal carcinoma based on location is not performed in routine practice. Primary duct (large duct) and secondary duct prostatic adenocarcinomas are indistinguishable from each other, and most authors consider these as a single entity, abandoning this artificial separation. Ductal carcinoma appears to have a less favorable prognosis than typical acinar adenocarcinoma, although conflicting results have been found. T3 (39% versus 52%), fewer positive lymph nodes (4% versus 11%), and fewer positive margins (25% versus 33%), but have similar 5-year survival rate (75% versus 77%, respectively). The 5-year survival rates range from 15% to 43%, with 46% survival rate at 6 years and 16% at 8 years. Metastases usually reveal a tumor histologically similar to ductal carcinoma, even when coexistent acinar carcinoma is present in the prostate, suggesting that the endometrioid pattern is more aggressive. Androgen deprivation therapy provides palliative relief in many cases but does not appear to influence survival. Patients may respond to orchiectomy or estrogen therapy, albeit transiently, with marked symptomatic improvement. This variant of adenocarcinoma is considered Gleason pattern 5 carcinoma based on the degree of acinar differentiation. Comedocarcinoma is invariably found in association with other patterns of adenocarcinoma and does not warrant separation as a clinicopathologic entity. The cribriform pattern of carcinoma is characterized by masses of tumor punctuated by sievelike spaces.